What is Einstein's Spooky Action at a Distance?
The eerie quantum phenomenon across our universe
If we separate two entangled particles in universe, their quantum states remain correlated (coupled) regardless of how far or isolated they are from each other. This is what Einstein referred to as ‘Spooky Action at a Distance!
In 1964 Irish physicist John Stewart Bell demonstrated that quantum mechanics provided stronger statistical correlations in the outcomes of certain far-apart measurements than any local theory possibly could. In the years since, experiments have vindicated quantum mechanics again and again.
For example, we know that the spin in electrons and quantum particles affects their magnetic properties. If two electrons have the exact opposite spin along a given axis, so their net magnetic impact is zero, regardless of how far they are moved from each other, they seem to follow each other like a ghost and remain coupled in their spin.
You can search the topic further on your own. I am not an expert but know enough to realize universe is connected in ways we don't understand.
This also shows me, once again, that real scientists are humble, not authoritative.